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게시글: Report | Indonesian Donation Model


Report | Indonesian Donation Model

Thank you very much for your purchase and support regarding the sale of our donation model, which aims to support the recovery from the massive floods that hit the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, in February 2021. We have just completed the dispatch of the products so that they can be delivered by the end of August, the shipping date.

As planned, all profits from this model have been donated to the affected factories and to the relief organization "Tangan Pengharapan".

The affected factories were able to restart on their own and our support was given back to the staff working in the factory, as well as distributing rice, oil, sugar, and other supplies to nearby residents.

被災直後の様子 〜工場の間の通路が川のようになり工場内に浸水〜Immediately after the disaster - The corridor between the factories became like a river and flooded the factories.

支援後の取り組み 〜近隣住民への物資の供給の様子〜Post-relief efforts - Supply of goods to neighbors

In addition, "Tangan Pengharapan", a support group for the affected areas, is continuing its recovery activities and relief supplies, using donations as part of its funding. Here is a video of the damage and recovery efforts.

We will continue to support each other to ensure that we deliver the best products to our customers and that we support each other in the right way and at the right time in the event of an emergency.

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