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게시글: Notice of price revisions and associated online store maintenance.

Notice of price revisions and associated online store maintenance.

Notice of price revisions and associated online store maintenance.



Until now, the prices displayed on our online store for sales to customers outside Japan have only been the product's price. Shipping costs were calculated at the time of payment, and duties, taxes, and DHL collection fees were collected at delivery time. However, with this change, the displayed price will now include all these. (Excluding some regions and countries. The final price will be displayed for excluded areas at the time of payment).

In line with the above changes, the prices have been revised to show the respective country's representative currency. Please note that some regions and items may change from their previous selling prices due to exchange rate fluctuations and other factors.

Thank you for your understanding as we strive to deliver high-quality and unique products to our customers.

Details of change
* Listed prices will change to include shipping and customs duties.
* Additional countries available for shipping are added.
* Currency display changes to the currency representative of the destination country.
* The language display on the payment screen changes to the language representative of the customer's country.

Maintenance schedule
Start: 2023/AUG/21 12:00 pm (GMT+9)
Scheduled to end: 2023/AUG/21 2:00 pm (GMT+9)
Maintenance will open as soon as completed.

Amounts will be switched over sequentially from 3:00 pm. (GMT+9)


Price includes customs duties/taxes (Free shipping over a certain amount) Germany / France / Spain / Belgium / Netherlands / Czech Republic / Italy / Norway / Greece / Ireland / Sweden / Poland / Denmark / Switzerland / Rest of EU / United Kingdom / Korea / Hong Kong / Singapore / Malaysia / Taiwan / China / Australia / New Zealand / Qatar / Israel / United Arab Emirates / Saudi Arabia / Philippines / Mexico / Vietnam / Thailand / Indonesia

 Price includes customs duties/taxes (Free shipping over a certain amount)
* For some products, tax is calculated before payment.

United States / Canada

Shipping charges/duties/taxes are calculated at the time of payment

India / Brazil

Shipping charges/duties/taxes are shown at the time of payment.
You can choose to pay duties and taxes at the time of payment or upon receipt

Other countries.







開始:2023/8/21 12:00 pm (GMT+9)
終了予定:2023/8/21 2:00 pm (GMT+9)



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